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Penhurst Place Retreat Centre
Penhurst is a small, friendly Christian Retreat Centre in Sussex, where a warm welcome is offered to everyone. Our very own Shirley Skrentny is leading retreats there in 2024.
Daring to talk about grief
FRIDAY 21 June
A space for you to connect with your grief in a supportive envrionment.
The day will include input about common themes of the grieving process, opportunities to speak about your experience in small, safe group and quiet, reflective times.
Disordered Eating: Exploring
Monday 8 July
An opportunity to explore the
subject of over-eating, often
an area of shame in our lives.
The day will include biblical teaching about food and eating. We will uncover some common reasons for over-eating and look at ways forward.
There will be opportunities to speak about your own experience in a supportive and safe environment.
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